2020 Pollock – Krasner Foundation Grant

2000 City University of New York Research Award - Professional Staff Congress, 

also in 1996, 1990 and 1988

1993 Rockefeller Foundation Award - Residency for Study & Conference Center,

Bellagio, Italy

1987 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, also in 1980 and 1978

1986 Philadelphia College of the Arts Faculty Venture Fund Grant, also in 1983

1978 New York Foundation for the Arts Grant

1977 Natural Heritage Trust Artist-in-Residence Grant, Artpark, Lewiston, NY

1976 The MacDowell Colony Fellowship


2024 Duane Thomas Gallery, October, New York, NY

2024 Duane Thomas Gallery, February, New York, NY

2024 Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ 

2018 Essex Flowers Gallery, New York, NY

2017 Gallery Gris, Hudson, NY

2012 John Davis Gallery, Hudson, NY

2010 Hudson Opera House, Hudson, NY

2000 More Gallery, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

2000 Art Resources Transfer Inc., New York

1999 Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, SUNY, Purchase, NY

1995 More Gallery, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

1993 Union League Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL

1992 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY

1990 The Queens Museum, Flushing, NY, ten-year survey of installations

1990 More Gallery, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

1990 Rathbone Gallery, Russell Sage College, Albany, NY

1989 Freedman Gallery, Albright College, Reading, PA, ten-year survey of installations

1988 Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA

1988 More Gallery, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

1988 University Art Galleries, Wright State University, Dayton, OH

1987 McIntosh/Drysdale Gallery, Washington, DC

1986 Gray Art Gallery, North Carolina University, Greenville, NC

1985 Hallwalls, Buffalo, NY

1985 Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY

1983 Pam Adler Gallery, New York, NY

1982 Artisan Space Gallery, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY, 

collaboration with Betty Woodman

1982 Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

1982 Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI, installation & survey of paintings

1981 The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, NC

1981 Herron School of Art Gallery, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN

1981 Pam Adler Gallery, New York, NY

1981 Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY

1980 Allen Memorial Art Museum, "Insideout Oberlin" Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH

1979 The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

1979 Marian Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

1979 Marianne Deson Gallery, Chicago, IL

1979 Barbara Toll Gallery, New York, NY

1979 Pam Adler Gallery, New York, NY

1978 University of Colorado Art Gallery, Boulder, CO

1977 Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY

1977 Marianne Deson Gallery, Chicago, IL

1976 Hundred Acres Gallery, New York, NY

1975 Marian Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

1975 Hundred Acres Gallery, New York, NY

1973 Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago, IL

1972 Gallery Marc, Washington, D.C.


2002 “Art Unleashed”, Main Line Art Center, Philadelphia, PA

1997 Percent for Art Commission, Erie Street Food Market, Toledo, OH

1995 Percent for Art Commission, Criminal Justice Center, Philadelphia, PA

1992 Los Angeles Metro Rail System through the LA County Transportation 

Art for Rail Transit Program

1985 Maryland Arts Council, Baltimore, MD, Baltimore/Washington International 

Airport, re-designed and re-located in 1965

1984 Mendik Company, Inc., Eleven Penn Plaza, New York City

1977 “Gingerbread Sculpture”, Artpark, Lewiston, NY and Graduate Center, 



2024 "Armory Show", Duane Thomas Gallery, Javits Center, New York, NY

2024 Adams and Ollman Gallery, Portland, OR

2024 Susan Inglett Gallery, New York, NY

2024 “The Fullness of the Seeming Void", Adams & Ollman Gallery, Portland, OR

2024 “From the Center”, Duane Thomas Gallery, New York, NY - Chicago Expo, IL

2024 “(Re)Focus”, Moore College of Art and Design Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

2022 “Armory Show”, Richard Saltoun Gallery, Javits Center, New York, NY

2022 “52 Artists: Revisiting a Feminist Milestone”, Aldrich Contemporary Art

Museum, Ridgefield, CN

2022 “Painting in New York: 1971-83”, Karma Gallery, New York, NY

2021 “Fringe”, Denny Dimin Gallery, New York, NY

2020 “Invisible City: Philadelphia and the Vernacular Avant-Garde.”

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, curated by Sid Sachs.

2019-21 With Pleasure: Pattern & Decoration in American Art, 1972-1985”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA. & Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale- on-Hudson, NY, curated by Anna Katz.

2018-19 “Pattern, Crime & Decoration”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Geneva, Switzerland, and Le Consortium, Dijon, France

2017 “Through the Rabbit Hole 2”, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2016 “Beyond the Rectangle”, two-person exhibit, Korean Cultural Center, Washington DC

2011 “Flirting With Abstraction: Modern & Contemporary Art in Philadelphia”, 

Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA

2010 “That Was Then, This Is Now”, CUE Art Foundation, New York, NY, 

curated by Rob Storr & Irving Sandler

2010 “Artpark: 1974-1984”, UB Art Gallery, Center for the Arts, Buffalo, NY

2008 Galerie Darthea Speyer: 1968-2009, Paris, France

2008 “Going to the Dogs”, Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art, Providence, RI

2008 “183rd Annual: Invitational Exhibit of Contemporary American Art.” 

National Academy of Art, New York, NY

2007 “Pattern & Decoration: An Ideal Vision in American Art, 1975-1985”, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, curated by Anne Swartz.

2005 “Beauty Overlooked: Pattern & Decoration from the Permanent Collection.”

Polk Museum, Lakeland, FL

2004 “Soft Edge”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL

2003 “NYPD Plaid”, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

2002 “Insecta Magnifica”, Wave Hill, Bronx, NY

2001 “Crosscurrents 2001”, The Art Gallery, University of Maryland, 

College Park, MD

1999 “Size Matters”, Gale Gates Gallery, DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY

1999 “Artists Space: 25 Years”, Artists Space, New York, NY

1999 “Contemporary Classicism”, Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, SUNY, Purchase, NY. Traveled: Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, FL

1997 “25th Anniversary Exhibition”, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY

1997 “Crossing Over/Changing Places”, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

1996 “Pet Paintings”, Bernard Toale Gallery, Boston, MA

1995 “Animals, Animals”, Anita Shapolsky Gallery, New York, NY

1995 “20 Years of Hallwalls”, Burchfield-Penney Art Center, 

Buffalo State College, NY

1993 “Animal Magnetism”, The Gallery Three Zero, New York, NY

1993 “Songs of Retribution”, Richard Anderson Gallery, New York, NY

1992 “Crossing Over/Changing Places", Print Club of Phila: traveled through Europe: the Arts America Program, United States Information Agency of the Federal Government "43rd Annual Purchase Exhibition", American Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

1991 “43rd Annual Purchase Exhibition”, American Academy & Institute of Arts & 

Letters, New York, NY

1990 “Drawn to Scale”, Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, 

Andover, MA, curated by Jock Reynolds

1990 “Selections: New York Foundation for the Arts, 

Painting Fellowship Recipients”, University Art Gallery, University of Albany, NY

1989 “Making Their Mark: Women Artists Move into the Mainstream, 1970-1985”, 

Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, OH. Traveled: New Orleans Museum of Art, 

New Orleans, LA; Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO; 

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

1989 “Lines of Vision”, Hillwood Art Gallery, Long Island University, 

CW Post Campus, Brookville, NY. Traveled: Blum Helman Gallery, New York, 

among other venues across the US.

1988 “Grand Windows”, Metro North Commuter Railroad & MTA Arts for Transit, 

Grand Central Station Terminal, New York, NY

1988 “Visions of Fate”, Minneapolis College of Art & Design, Minneapolis, MN

1987 “The Call of the Wild: Animal Themes in Contemporary Art”, Museum of Art, 

Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI

1987 “War and Memory: In the Aftermath of Vietnam”, 

Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, DC

1986 “Monumental Drawing, Works by 22 Contemporary Americans”, 

Brooklyn Museum of Art, NY

1986 “American Painting & Sculpture: Selections from the Permanent Collection”, 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL

1986 “Guerilla Girls”, Palladium, New York, NY

1985 “Art in the Anchorage”, Creative Time, Anchorage, Brooklyn, NY

1984 “Drawings: New Dimensions”, Nina Freudenheim Gallery, Buffalo, NY

1984 “The Decorative Continues”, Pam Adler Gallery, New York, NY

1984 “A Decade of New Art”, Artists Space, New York, NY

1984 “Rockefeller Retrospective”, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC

1984 “Activated Walls”, The Queens Museum, Flushing, NY

1983 “The White Walls Papers”, Sven Parson Gallery, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL

1983 “Ornamentalism”, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY

1983 “The Architectural Impulse”, The Tweed Gallery, Plainfield, NJ

1982 “Currents: A New Mannerism”, Jacksonville Art Museum, Jacksonville, FL

1982 “Recent Aspects of Allover”, Harm-Bouckaert Gallery, New York, NY

1982 “Art Materialized: Selections from the Fabric Workshop”, 

Independent Curators, Inc., Philadelphia, NY. 

Traveled: The New Gallery for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, OH;

The Gibbes Art Gallery, Charleston, SC; Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY; 

Univ. South Florida, Tampa, FL; Art Museum, California State Univ., Long Beach, 

CA; Alberta College of Art, Calgary, Canada; Pensacola Museum of Art, 

Pensacola, PA

1981 “New York, New Work”, Arthur Roger Gallery, New Orleans, LA

1981 “10 Projects”, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, DC

1981 “Rooms”, Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 

Cambridge, MA. Three rooms exhibit with Richard Haas and Richard Artschwager.

1981 “Usable Art”, Meyers Fine Arts Gallery, State University College, 

Plattsburgh, NY. Traveled: Queens Museum, Flushing, NY; 

Brainard Art Gallery, State College of Potsdam, Potsdam, NY; 

Danforth Museum of Art, Framingham, MA; Freedman Gallery, 

Albright College, Reading, PA

1981 “Works on Paper”, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY

1981 “Homework: Domestic Environment Reflected in Work by Contemporary 

Women Artists”, Emily Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

1980 “New York/New Work”, Delahunty Gallery, Dallas, TX

1980 “Decorative Fabricators”, Institute of Contemporary Art, Richmond, VA

1980 “Walls”, The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH

1980 “Painting in Relief”, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, NY

1980 “Islamic Allusions”, The Alternative Museum, New York, NY

1979 “The Decorative Impulse”, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Penn,

Philadelphia, PA. Traveled: Mandeville Art Gallery, University of Southern 

California, La Jolla, CA; Minneapolis College of Art & Design, Minneapolis, MN., 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL.

1979 “Material Pleasures/The Fabric Workshop at ICA”, 

The Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA

1978 “Pattern & Decoration”, Sewell Art Gallery, Rice University, Houston, TX

1978 “Decorative Art: Recent Works”, Douglas Art Gallery, Rutgers University, Rutgers, NJ

1978 “Point”, Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia, PA

1978 “Contemporary Drawings: Philadelphia, Part 1”, 

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

1978 “Painting & Sculpture Today”, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN

1978 “Out of the Home”, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, NY

1978 “Thick Paint”, The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

1977 “Contemporary Women: Consciousness & Content”, Brooklyn Museum Art School, NY

1977 “Pattern Painting”, P.S.1, Institute for Art & Urban Resources, Inc, Long Island City, NY

1976 “Visions/Painting & Sculpture: Distinguished Alumni, 1945 - present”, 

the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL

1976 “Thickening Surface”, three-person exhibition, Florida State University Museum, Tallahassee, FL

1976 “Art On Paper”, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC

1975 “Report from Soho”, The Grey Gallery, New York University, New York, NY

1975 “Contemporary Selections”, The Art Museum of South Texas, 

Corpus Christi, TX

1974 “Focus”, Philadelphia Civic Center Museum, Philadelphia, PA

Members Penthouse, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY

1974 Invitational, Artists Space, New York, NY

1974 Invitational, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY

1973 “Contemporary American Art, 1973 Biennial”, 

Whitney Museum of American Art, NY

1973 “Extraordinary Realities”, Whitney Museum of American Art, NY 

Traveled: Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY; The Contemporary Art Center, 

Cincinnati, OH

1972 “New York Avant-Garde”, Saidye Bronfman Center, Montreal, 

Quebec, Canada

1972 “The Topography of Nature: Microcosm & Macrocosm”, 

Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

1971 Gallery Klang, Cologne, Germany

1971 “Twenty-Six Contemporary Women Artists”, Aldrich Museum of 

Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CN, curated by Lucy Lippard.

1971 “Drawings”, Allan Frumkin Gallery, New York, NY

1971 “Biennale de Paris”, Parc Floral de Paris, Paris, France

1970 Gallerie Darthea Speyer, two-person exhibition Paris, France

1968 “Seventy-First Annual Exhibition by Artists of Chicago & Vicinity”, 

Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

1967 “Towards a New Metaphysics”, three-person exhibit, Allan Frumkin Gallery, New York, NY


Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

Museum of Modern Art, New York City

Neuberger Museum of Art, S.U.N.Y., Purchase, NY

Queens Museum, Flushing, NY

Guggenheim Museum, New York City

New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York City

Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA

The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers State University, New Brunswick, NJ

Princeton Museum of Art, Princeton, NJ

National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC

Virginia Museum of Art, Richmond, VA

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL

Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH

University of Colorado Art Museum, Boulder, CO

New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA

Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI

Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, FL

Orlando Museum of Art, Orlando, FL

San Antonio Art Museum, San Antonio, TX

Phoenix Arts Museum, Phoenix, AZ

Kemper Insurance Company

Atlantic Richfield Company

Prudential Insurance Company

New York City Health & Hospital Corp., New York City

Reader's Digest, Inc.

Owen-Corning Fiberglass Corp., Toledo, OH

Dechert, Price & Rhoades, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

Amerada Hess Corp., New York, NY

Lehman Brothers, Shearson & American Express, New York City

J P Morgan-Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City

Numerous Private Collections


2024 Lippard, Lucy. Moving Targets: Feminist Essays on Women’s Art, 1970-1993. NY: Seidelman & co.

2023 Cynthia Carlson: Sixty Years, D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, NY.

2022 52 Artists: A Female Milestone, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT.

2022 Shapiro, Ivy. Painting in New York: 1971 - 83. NY: Karma Gallery

2019 Katz, Anna. With Pleasure: Pattern & Decoration in American Art 

1972-1985. Los Angeles, CA: MOCA.

2018 Gautherot, Franck. Pattern, Crime, Decoration, Le Consortium and 

Museum of Contemporary Art, Geneva, Switzerland and Le Consortium, Dijon, FR.

2010 Collischan, Judy. Made in the U.S.A.: Modern/Contemporary Art In 

America, iUniverse, Incorporated.

2003 Sandler, Irving. A Sweeper-Up After Artists, a Memoir. 

NY: Thames & Hudson

2001 Westbrook, Adele. A Creative Legacy: A history of the National 

Endowment for the Arts, Visual Artists’ Fellowship Program 1966 - 1995. 

NY: Abrams

1998 Gould, Claudia & Smith, Valerie, ed. 5000 Artists Return to Artists 

Space: 25 Years. NY: Artists Space.

1996 Sandler, Irving. Art of the Postmodern Era, From the Late 1960’s to 

the Early 1990’s. NY: Icon Editions

1995 Lippard, Lucy. The Pink Glass Swan. NY: The New Press

Taylor, Brandon. Avant-Garde and After. NY: Abrams, 1995

1994 Broude, Norma & Garrard, Mary. The Power of Feminist Art. 

NY: Abrams, Inc.

1989 Rosen, Randy. Making Their Mark, Women Artists Move into the 

Mainstream, 1970-85. NY: Abbeville Press

1989 Brown, Betty Ann & Raven, Arlene. Exposures: Women & Their Art. 

Pasadena, CA: New Sage Press

1984 Robbins, Corrine. The Pluralist Era - America Art, 1968 - 1981. 

NY: Harper & Row

1984 Van Wagner, Judith. Women Shaping Art: Profiles in Power. NY: Praeger

1982 Jensen, Robert & Conway, Patricia. Ornamentalism

NY: Clarkson Potter, Inc.

1982 Johnson, Ellen. H., ed. American Artists on Art 1940 - 1980. 

NY: Harper & Row

1976 Lippard, Lucy. From the Center: Feminists Essays on Women’s Art. 

 NY: Dutton, Inc.


2024 Fyfe, Joe. "Cynthia Carlson: EDGES INSIDEOUT", The Brooklyn Rail (November, 2024)

2024 Dube, Ilene. "Playing Seriously at the Hunterdon Art Museum"Jersey Arts Features (March 25, 2024)

2022 Schwartz, Alexandra. "How a Landmark Feminist Show Got Erased 

From Collective Memory", Hyperallergic (December 19, 2022)

2022 Colucci, Emily. ""Painting in New York: 1971-83" Is Ugly as Hell (And That's a Compliment)", filthy dreams (September 28, 2022)

2022 Clements, Alexis. ""52 Artists Challenges the Meaning of 

“Women’s Art”" Hyperallergic (September 11, 2022)

2022 Binlot, Ann. "At the Aldrich, Revisiting a Groundbreaking Show for Feminist Art"

The New York Times Magazine (June 7, 2022)

2022 Sheets, Hilarie M. “Revising a Groundbreaking Show on Feminist Art”,

The New York Times (April 27, 2022)

2021 Scott, Andrea. "2021 in Review - 

The Year the Art Scene Rebounded, Expanded, and Surrendered to N.F.T.s 

The New Yorker (December 23, 2021)

2021 Ratcliff, Carter. “Revisiting the Joy of Pattern and Decoration” 

Hyperallergic (August 28, 2021)

2021 Scott, Andrea. “At the Galleries”, The New Yorker (August 9, 2021): p. 7

2021 Smith, Roberta. Pattern & Decoration: A Movement That Still Has Legs”,

The New York Times (August 6, 2021): p. C6 – 7

2021 Can Yerebakan, Osman.

“Highlights from ‘With Pleasure: Pattern and Decoration in

American Art 1972 – 1985’” (August 2, 2022): p. 1-17

2020 Miranda, Carolina. "A story of art that is also a story of feminism and female friendship". Los Angeles Times (February 12, 2020)

2019 Stukin, Stacie, 

“The Pattern and Decoration Movement is the Missing Feminist Piece

of Our Maximalist Movement” (December 5, 2019)

2019 Rubin, David

“An Expansive View of an Underrated Movement: Pattern and

Decoration in American Art 1972-1985”., (December 4, 2019)

2019 Knight, Christopher, 

“More is more. Why the Pattern and Decoration show at MOCA is

pure pleasure”. Los Angeles Times (November 4, 2019)

2019 Adamson, Glenn, 

“Reassessing Pattern & Decoration, the Last Art Movement of the

Twentieth Century”. Art in America (Sept 2019): p. 40

2019 “And Decoration: Good Taste is the Final Refuge of the Unimaginative” 

Space Magazine, (Sept 2019): p. 21-27

2008 Nadelman, Cynthia. “Pattern and Decoration”

Review. Art News (April 2008): p. 150

2008 Cotter, Holland. “Scaling a Minimalist Wall with Bright Shiny Colors” 

The New York Times (January 15, 2008): p. B1

2004 Miles, Christopher. “Report from Santa Monica !!, Tracking Patterns” 

Art In America (February 2004): p. 79

2002 "Not In Our Name"The New York Times (September 19, 2002): A15

1995 Gallini, Mark. “Finishing Touches”

Seven Arts Philadelphia (September 1995): p. 59

1994 Carlson, Cynthia. “A Couple of Cats by Cynthia Carlson” 

The Art Journal (Fall 1994, Vol. 53, No. 3): p. 42-45

1990 Stewart, Patricia. “Art”, The New Yorker (April 30, 1990): p. 13

1990 Raven, Arlene. “Out of Site” Village Voice (April 24, 1990): p. 100

1989 Cunningham, Linda. ed. 

“The Memorial Redefined, Reconsideration of a Major Public Art Form” 

Sponsored by the College Art Association (1989): p. 35-6

1987 Thorson, Alice. “Reviews and Previews” 

Art News (December 1987): p. 164

1987 Wood, C. “Review”. New Art Examiner (November 1987): p. 49

1986 Upshaw, Reagan. “Cynthia Carlson: Memento Mori” 

Art In America (July 1986): p. 101- 111

1986 Upshaw, Reagan. “Reviews”. Art In America (July 1986): p. 187-188, 193

1984 Russell, John. “The Decorative Tradition” 

The New York Times (April 20, 1984): p. 15N

1983 Spector, Buzz, ed. White Walls (Autumn 1983): p. 57-80

1983 Heartney, Eleanor. “Cynthia Carlson” Arts Magazine (June 1983): p. 11

1983 Henry, Gerritt. “Reviews” Art News (Summer 1983): p. 201

1983 Tully, Judd. “Paper Chase” Portfolio Magazine (May/June 1983): p. 84-85

1982 Henry, Gerritt. “Recent Aspects of the Allover” 

Arts Magazine (December 1982): p. 40

1982 Gamarekian, Barbara. “Remembering Vietnam” 

The New York Times (September 10, 1982): Section C1, p. 21

1982 Glueck, Grace. “Group Show Celebrates Pollock Legacy in Art” 

The New York Times (September 10, 1982): Section Ca, p. 21

1982 Anderson, Alessandra. “An Interior Exchanged” 

American Craft (June/July1982): p. 51

1982 Kingsley, April. “Artpark and the Leisure Landscape” 

Artexpress (May/June 1982): p. 26-29

1982 McTwigan, Michael. “An Interior Exchanged: Cynthia Carlson and 

Betty Woodman in Collaboration” Arts Magazine (May 1982): p. 134-135.

1982 Perreault, John. “The Pattern of Exchange” 

Soho Weekly News (March 9, 1982): p. 52

1981 Westfall, Stephen. “Reviews” Arts Magazine (October 1981): p. 15

1981 Phillips, Deborah. “Reviews and Previews” 

Art News (September 1981): p. 158

1981 Putterman, Susan. “Cynthia Carlson” 

Arts Magazine (September 1981): p. 15

1981 Raynor, Vivien. “Review” 

The New York Times, Westchester (June 21, 1981): p.16

1981 Lolis, Merope. “Between Painting and Sculpture” 

Arts Magazine (June 1981): p. 26

1981 Westfall, Stephen. “Reviews” Arts Magazine (June 1981): p. 26

1981 Larsen, Kay. “Review” New York Magazine (March 30, 1981): p. 59

1981 Anderson, Alessandra. “When Artists Make Furniture” 

Art News (February 1981): p. 93-98

1981 Kingsley, April. “Cynthia Carlson” The Barat Review (Winter 1981): p. 77

1980 Olander, William. “New Voices 1: Cynthia Carlson” 

Dialogue (September/October 1980): p. 29

1980 Wohlfert, Lee. “Young Artists New Yorkers Are Talking About” 

Town and Country (September 1980): p. 199-207

1980 Kingsley, April. “Cynthia Carlson: The Intent of the Decorative Impulse” 

Arts Magazine (March 1980): p. 90-91

1980 Stewart, Patricia. “High Decoration in Low Relief” 

Art In America (February 1980): p. 97-101

1980 Olander, William. “Cynthia Carlson’s Inside Out Oberlin” 

Oberlin College Bulletin #38, (1980) (no.1) p. 1-9, 80-81

1979 Lawson, Thomas. “Painting in New York: An Illustrated Guide” 

Flash Art (October/November 1979): p. 4-11

1979 Perrone, Jeff. “Reviews” Artforum (November 1979): p. 80-81

1979 Flood, Richard. “Reviews” Artforum (October 1979): 74-76

1979 Ashbery, John. “Decorative Days” New York Magazine (July 2, 1979): p. 51

1979 Rickey, Carrie. “Decoration, Ornament, Pattern and Utility” 

Flash Art (June/July 1979): p. 19-20

1979 Silverthorne, Jeanne. “Now You See It; Now You Don’t: 

The Ambiguous Relief”  Arts Exchange (May/June 1979): p. 16-22

1979 Perlberg, Deborah. “Reviews” Artforum (April 1979): p. 67

1978 DeAk, Edit. “Reviews” Artforum (March 1978): p. 68

1978 Frueh, Joanna. “Chicago’s Emotional Distress” 

Artforum (September 1978): p. 41-47

1978 Frank, Peter. “Reviews” Art News (February 1978): p.145-6

1978 Rickey, Carrie. “Review of Pattern Painting at P.S.1.” 

Arts Magazine (January 1978): p. 17

1977 Perreault, John. “Review” Soho Weekly News (December 29, 1977): p. 22

1977 Perreault, John. “Issues in Pattern Painting” 

Artforum (November 1977): p. 32-36

1977 Cynthia, Carlson. “Grassroots Art in America” 

Ms Magazine (October 1977): p. 64-68

1976 Gorney, Jay. “Cynthia Carlson” Arts Magazine (October 1976): p. 13

1976 Ratcliff, Carter. “The Paint Thickens” Artforum (Summer 1976): p. 43-47

1975 Zucker, Barbara. “Reviews and Previews” Art News (May 1975): p. 96

1975 Perreault, John. “Review” Soho Weekly News (March 13, 1975): p. 28

1971 Glueck, Grace. “The Ladies Flex Their Brushes” 

The New York Times (May 30, 1971): Section 2, p: 20

1970 Anderson, Alessandra. “Reviews” Art International (May 1970): p: 31

1970 Applegate, Judith. “Exhibition at the Galerie Darthea Speyer” 

Art International (May 1970):p. 65

1967 Pincus-Witten, Robert. “Review” Artforum (December 1967): p. 56


M.F.A., Pratt Institute School of Art & Design, Brooklyn, NY

B.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL


1987-2005 Professor Emerita, Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing, NY

1967-1987 Professor, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA


1999 Video: “Dog Stories”, one-hour interviews with people and their dogs, in conjunction with an exhibit of paintings at the Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY

1979 Radio: WUHY-FM, Terry Gross Show, Philadelphia, PA. 20-minute commissioned work for the radio: “Portrait of the Artist as a Young-Middle-Aged Voice”

1977 Video: Interviews of Artists Series, Video Data Bank, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and again in 1974

1971 Video: “Cynthia’s Ceremony”, 16mm film by Bard Martin